Our Customer Experience Solutions

Building Real, Human Connections with the Families You Serve

Families processing end-of-life and grief need strength, compassion, and empathy.

That’s why we’re here.

To help you and your business reach families with kindness and support at the moments when they need it the most.

And it all begins with one text.

Customizable Communication Solutions

Customizable Communication Solutions

Designed to Provide Real-Time Support, Responses, and Requests

Rather than using a series of inflexible, automated written communications, we turn to human solutions to ensure your client communications are as tailored and empathetic as your in-person discussions.

With Elevia, your business can confidently rely on a team of dedicated, trained, and compassionate people to compose and reply to messages on your behalf. This ground-breaking model powered by our award-winning Care Team, helps end-of-life and aftercare professionals like you share more thoughtful support for the families you serve.

Building Strong Relationships & Market Share

Providing Better Support While Building the Reputation of Your Business

Working with Elevia to stay connected to the families you serve is proven to build stronger relationships between our partners and the communities they serve in the form of elevated service, positive reviews, and business growth.

It all comes down to the power of human connection to create positive experiences and building trusting relationships.

Elevia. We’re Here with You!

Explore Our Curated Customer Journey Firsthand

Helping Grieving People Find the Services They Need

Jennifer just received the hardest call of her life. Her father passed away and she doesn’t know where to begin.

She starts by researching local funeral homes. She pours through reviews as she researches what needs to happen now. She comes across a funeral home with real stories from past clients sharing how those professionals made a difficult time less difficult, less isolating. She gives them a call to begin making arrangements.

We lead the end-of-life industry in Google review generation and have generated almost 100,000 5-star reviews for our end-of-life business partners. The magic lies in the personalized human messages from Elizabeth. Elizabeth is just an extension of your team, there to manage your text message communication. Every text is sent by, read by, and responded to by live, compassionate humans.

Encourage clients to share their own experiences. Help others find the services and support you offer. Capture larger market share.

Providing Real-Time Support in the Earliest Stages of Grief

Jennifer makes an instant connection with the funeral home, and they proceed with service planning together. The funeral home is warm and welcoming, and Jennifer feels incredibly supported during the whole process.

But once services have finished, Jennifer isn’t sure what to do next.

Now Enter Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, acting on behalf of the funeral home, texts Jennifer a few weeks after service just to check in. This simple act of kindness helps remind Jennifer that people understand what she’s going through and that the funeral home that performed her father’s services is still with her and thinking of her.

Elizabeth is so impactful that we’ve had folks try to drop off baked goods as a thank you for her support! We customize Elizabeth’s communications based on how and when you’d like to communicate with your clients, using your tone of voice, and following your communication and escalation procedures.

Support grieving families in real time. Build long-term, stronger relationships. Free your team to work with new families.

Providing Continuous Support After Services Are Complete

While the services went beautifully, Jennifer hit a bit of an obstacle. She needs her father’s death certificate for insurance but isn’t sure what to do next. But! Jennifer remembers that she has Elizabeth in her phone and responds to the latest text thread. She asks Elizabeth what to do and Elizabeth immediately jumps into action, sharing next steps. Meanwhile, our team reports the need immediately so the funeral home can follow up.

Identify any issues early. Respond immediately in the right tone. Ensure positive experiences with your team.

Connecting During Your Family’s Grieving Journey

In the months after her father’s passing, Elizabeth has kept up with Jennifer. First, with a supportive text on her father’s birthday, reminding her grief isn’t linear and her feelings are normal and valid. Next, Elizabeth sent Jennifer an invitation for a special memorial event they are hosting with details on how to attend. Jennifer attends the event and messages Elizabeth a thank you. A month later, Elizabeth follows up with words of affirmation and shares resources on managing grief to provide even further support.

Maintain connection with the families you serve. Send special invitations to drive engagement. Provide meaningful grief support.

Getting Important Details About Your Families’ Experiences

After time has passed, Elizabeth reaches out to Jennifer asking her to answer a few brief questions about her experience. Elizabeth lets Jennifer know that the funeral home will use this information to improve their services so they can better support others like Jennifer. Jennifer shares her feedback via the survey link provided and Elizabeth follows up with a heartfelt thank you for helping ensure others have a healthy experience with funeral services.

Send tailored surveys easily. Gather feedback more efficiently. Leverage data to improve your business.

Helping Your Families Share Their Journey

Elizabeth reaches out to Jennifer asking how she’s been and if she needs anything. In this message, Elizabeth asks Jennifer to share a review for the funeral home to help others experiencing loss find the right services for their needs. Using the link Elizabeth sent, Jennifer shares a positive review of her experience with your business.

Helping Your Client Share Their Journey

Reach out at just the right time. Secure more positive reviews. Support more families.

Our Services At a Glance